Inside the College Classroom

Since 2007, I have designed and taught college courses both in the U.S. and in Turkey. Before Emory University where I currently teach, I taught at DePaul University and the School of the Art Institute (Chicago), Sabancı University and Koç University (Istanbul).  

At the undergraduate level, I regularly teach Renaissance and Modern Philosophy, covering 1400s-1800s Atlantic thought; courses on all-levels in social and political philosophy, especially on justice, freedom, and revolution; Kant and Enlightenment thought; global feminism, abolitionist and decolonial thought.

At the graduate level, I have taught seminars on Immanuel Kant via thematic courses on Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics, and Politics, as well as book seminars on Critique of Pure Reason and Critique of Judgment. I also teach seminars on the history of feminist thought and critical theory.

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