Interdisciplinary & Public Humanities


statue of kant

2024 is dubbed Kant Year in honor of his 300th Birthday.

George Yancy and I talk about how Kant is simultaneously an inspiration for the formulation of universal human rights and antiBlack racism. If liberalism still can’t deliver human rights for all, there is a reason. Hint: There is no contradiction between racism and liberalism.

Read the full conversation on TruthOut.


The Purple Color of Kurdish Politics is a newly translated collection of prison writings by more than twenty Kurdish women politicians. The contributors offer significant analyses of the radical feminist principles and practices through which they transformed the political structures and state offices in which they operated.

Read the Book Review I wrote for Philosophy-World-Democracy.

I presented as one of the translators at the kick-off event of Agitate! Feminist Knowledge Production series at the University of Minnesota on “Feminisms, Translations, Solidarities. Watch a recording here.

A conversation with the translators of the Purple Color of Kurdish Politics with Deniz Yonucu on “Policing, Incarceration, and Reform” at New Books Network Podcast. Listen to the Episode here

Blog Posts & Online Resources


Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy Online Entry

“Continental Feminism” 

Journal of Society, Politics, Ethics - JSPE

A brainchild of Emory College alum Sarah Lee, JSPE was re-launched in 2020 by Dr. H and Allison Garippa with a special issue on “Justice, Freedom, and Revolution.”

I advise a group of brilliant Emory College undergraduates with a mission to unlock the superpower of interdisciplinary humanities via public-facing projects on society, politics, and ethics. 

Journal of Society, Politics, and Ethics is a peer-edited and peer-reviewed interdisciplinary undergraduate journal for and by Emory students. 

You can read Dr. H’s Introduction to the 2022 Special Issue, “Turning on the Light with Interdisciplinary Humanities in Dark Times,” here.


Turkish Translations of Cambridge University Press Intellectual Biographies of Famous Thinkers

I serve as a Philosophy Advisor to the Series –

I edit and revise philosophical vocabulary of the translations of these intellectual biographies.

Since 2011, I contributed as an Editor and Copy-Editor. I also provided Turkish-English and Turkish-German-English Glossaries for the volumes.

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