Outside the Classroom

For over a decade I have taught in and learned from spaces outside the traditional classroom. My teaching and learning focus on issues concerning social and racial justice in Atlanta, Georgia, the U.S., and the world.

Critical Race Theory - Great Works Seminar

The ABCs of CRT

by Dr. Huseyinzadegan

Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become a buzzword in public discourse in the past eight years. But what is it?

How did it come to dominate educational policies around what American history children learn in schools?

What does it have to do with the gains of the Civil Rights Movement?

Why did it become so controversial?

segregation in public schools famous images

For further information and to reserve a spot on a “first-come basis,” email the Fox Center at foxcenter@emory.edu.


Everyone from the Atlanta community is welcome and invited to join us for this free seminar.

“A” stands for American History and the phrase “All Men Are Created Equal.” 

“B” stands for Derrick H. Bell and “Brown v Board of Education.” 

“C” stands for Combahee River Collective and Kimberlé Crenshaw.


This seminar will introduce you to what Critical Race Theory is in three parts. Throughout lecture and discussions, participants will gain an interdisciplinary humanistic perspective on the history and contemporary significance of this field.


Participants are expected to attend all three sessions. 

P.E.A.C.E. Living Learning Community at Clairmont

For six years I have served as a Faculty-in-Residence at Emory’s Clairmont campus, leading a theme-hall that became the first Living Learning Community at Emory, named P.E.A.C.E (Political, Ethical, Academic Community Experience). Here is more info on this past initiative.

This Living Learning Community, also a majority nonwhite space in Emory allowed me to organize academic engagement events and activities for undergraduate students outside the classroom.

I was awarded a Faculty Friend Award by Emory Campus Life in 2015 for my work.

Together we took field trips to:

National Center for Civil and Human Rights

Martin Luther King Center

Carter Center and Library

The Legacy Museum and Memorial: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration (EJI)

Informal Conversations on Current Issues

Other events I organized for Emory College students outside the classroom include:

  • Outing to see performances by Harlem Theater of Dance and Trevor Noah.
  • Screening of Black Panther: The Vanguard of Revolution documentary followed by a discussion led by former Black Panther and Emory Law Professor  Kathleen Cleaver
  • Attendance at Women’s March for Social Justice in Atlanta 2016 as well as March for Our Lives in 2019
  • Facilitating a Roundtable discussion on Islamophobia  with the head Imam of Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam
  • Facilitating a civics workshop on Georgia Bill HB51 on Sexual Assault Survivors with  YWCA officials